For persons
Yo – this one
Ba - these ones
Yole- that one
Bale – those ones
For objects
e- this one
tse - these ones
ele – that one
tsele – those ones
Mosadi yo o montle. - This woman is beautiful.
Dijo e e montle. - This food is delicious.
Ke batla monna yo. - I want this man.
Ke nale dibiri tse. - I have these beers.
Ke bona dinonyane tele. - I see those birds.
matlhalosi / adjectives
アスタリスク(*)はStrong adjectiveで名詞クラスによる先頭の活用が無い形容詞です。
Adjetives in singular
形容詞 | 意味 | 例文 | 例文 |
Ntle *Maswe/ mpe *Monate *bosula telele khutshwane kima sesane *Makgakga *Maitseo *Botho Tala Sweu ntsho *botlhale *seso tona nnye ntsi *botlhoko *lorato |
Beautiful/ cute Ugly/ bad Nice Bad Tall Short fat thin Rude /bad manners Polite Polite Green White black clever/intelligent/smart stupid big small,few many,too much, much bitter - sour kind,loving |
mosadi o montle basadi ba bantle ntlo e ntle dintlo di dintle Peter o maswe Kula o motelele Mpho o mokhutswane Kefilwe o mokima Katlego o mosesane Tebogo o makaka Tumisang o maitseo Tumisang o botho Mpho o mosweu Kula o montsho Ngwana yo motona o a lela. Kgomo e tona Buka e nnye Katse e nnye Ke na le madi,a mantsi Batho ba bantsi ko shopong Ke batla metsi a mantsi Mpho o lorato |
ntlo e ntle/setunya(flower) se sentle tshwene e maswe Biri e monate. Phani e bosula. setlhare(tree) se setelele pensele e khutswane kolobe(pig) e kima thupa ( stick to beat) e thsesane setlhale se setala sefako se sesweu beke e ntsho |
I have beautiful sunglasses.
Ke na le mazaza a mantle.
Miu likes to drink a lot of water.
Miu o rata go nwa metsi a manis.
There are a lot of people at the desert race.
Bathos ba bantsi ko Mantshwabisi.
Miku is very smart and she is also loving.
Miku o botlhale thata gape o lorato.
adjectives in the plural
basadi ba banale boPeter ba bamaswe basimane ba batelele bana(plural of ngwana) ba bakhutswane basadi ba bakima batho ba bantsho |
ditunya (plural of setunnya) di dintle. ditlare (plural of setlare) di ditala Dibiri di monate. dikolobe di dikima dibeke di dintsho dipensele di dikhutshwane |
以下はちょっと複雑な「Woman who is beautiful was here.」のような文章の例文です。
Somebody who is / Somepeople who are | something that is / things that are |
mosadi yo montle o nwa bird basadi ba bantle ba nwa dibiri ngwana yo maitseo ke tumisang. bana ba ba maitseo ke bale. Ke rata batho ba bantsho. batho ba basweu botlare |
ke rata koloi e ntle Ke rata dikoloi tse dintle ke ja nama e e monate dijo di montate Ditlako (shoes) di dintsho dikolobe di dikima |